Photo Album
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Pete Doerschuk on 689. Mid or late June 1968. "Junior" behind Doerschuk. Khe Sanh Combat Base in Background. Picture taken by gun-team leader, Myron Bartko.

Mike Stricklin 1970-1971 on Hill 52

My name is Louis "Sanky" DeMarco I was with Delta 1st Platoon 1st Bn 1st Marine Regt 1st MarDiv. from 67 to later 68 . I spotted myself in the 2nd row on the left. Cpl. Ring was on the Right, 1st row. Sgt or S/Sgt Fontaine had his back to the camera . The place if memory serves me well was Hill 50 or Hill 55. It was right before going up to Hill 689 or right after. but I am sure of the people and the area.

Pete Doerschuk on 689. Mid or late June 1968. "Junior" behind Doerschuk. Khe Sanh Combat Base in Background. Picture taken by gun-team leader, Myron Bartko.